CHROMA Version 1.0 (build 1185) -- Trouble Shooting |
CHROMA is in version 1. It is inevitable that, even after CHROMA is in general release, there will be some coding errors or bugs to be found. This section is written to allow you to decide whether problems you are having with CHROMA are
If CHROMA does not run, there is a bug. Please contact us with the system error message. Usually this will be a complaint about a missing file on your system. We will need the exact name of the file.
If CHROMA crashes for whatever reason, even if there are errors in your data, there is a bug. Please contact us.
If CHROMA complains about your data, first make sure that it is conforming to the required data structure rules (See Input file formats in the CHROMA help).
If the annotation does not look like what you expected, first check the programme settings in Configure | Options to see if there is some switch you have or have not toggled which might solve your problems.
Check if the consensus is being calculated properly by comparing suspect formatting against the marker on the consensus line.
If the colours on your web page are not being displayed properly, make sure you are using web safe colours..
Try to narrow down the problem
as far as possible.
If the report to us is very specific, and preferably reproduceable, this
will save us time in tracking down and pin pointing the problem and allow a
quicker fix for you.
Include as much of your
environment in your report as possible.
What would be helpful are:
The version of CHROMA.
Click on Help | About. The dialogue box will display the build
number of CHROMA.
Which version of Windows
e.g. Win98b or WinNTsp5.
The version of Windows is displayed after "Operating
Environment:" in the CHROMA
Help | About dialogue box.
Which version of Internet
Explorer is installed on your computer, e.g. IE 3.01.055, IE 5.5 beta
build 3733 etc.
The version of IE is necessary because Microsoft has been delivering
some new system file only via browser updates.
The build or version number is displayed in the Internet Explorer
browser Help | About dialogue box.
Your data file, if
Please include the smallest file which causes the problem.
The annotation, if
This is if the annotation does not come out as you expected.
Your Residue Groupings configuration, if relevant.
The details of your
e.g. Pentium II 350MHz, Dill Computer Systems zz350
Describe clearly what the
problem is.
Please include the circumstances, e.g. if it crashes on every 10th run if MS
Excel is also active.
If you are sending an email to
us, mark it clearly in the subject header: "Bug Report"
and direct it to
Fill in the form on the contact us page
Go to the CHROMA Main Page
CHROMA Version 1.0 (build 1185) -- Trouble Shooting |