CHROMA Version 1.0 (build 1185) -- Distribution information |
PLEASE READ THE (BSD) LICENSE FOR CHROMA (available here) before redistributing or modifying the programme.
CHROMA is written as free software.
After each release of the programme becomes stable, the code base of CHROMA will be available for download at
If you use code from CHROMA
in your own projects please cite the following reference:
CHROMA: consensus-based
colouring of multiple alignments for publication. Bioinformatics. 2001
This is common
academic courtesy if nothing else.
If you make changes to CHROMA and wish to redistribute the updated programme, please send the modified code back to authors of CHROMA so that they can be folded back into the general release for the benefit of all.
Michael Santoro |
(modified version of SXButton) |
Norm Almond of |
(modified version of CFontCombo) |
Mark Findlay |
(Credits dialogue box) |
Paul DiLascia (in MSJ) |
(CHyperlink) |
PJ Naughter |
(modified version of "Splasher v 3) |
The colour arrangement in the "web-safe" palette was provided by Bob Stein (
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CHROMA Version 1.0 (build 1185) -- Distribution information |